Tuesday, February 9, 2010
The Hate Debate
So I get this email discussing a obvious misinterpretation of a picture of James Brown between what seems to be two people that at one time or another were or still are involved in the hip hop culture. Name calling, name dropping, racial tension, the whole nine. I know Answer, the defendant in this case but Hip Hop's Essences, the plaintiff, I'm not sure who it is but read through it . I think it's funny how the "involved" and the "ship-jumper" debate something so stupid.
Answer Aerosoul February 7 at 11:09am Report
So it's clear that you don't have much of a sense of humor. My comment was pretty brilliant. Admit it. It was. I'll explain why in a separate e-mail if you still can't see it after a bit more reflection.
So who are you? Were you a writer? Do you know who I am? I'd like to think that "Hip Hop's Essense" is familiar with Aerosoul crew. Maybe you're familiar with the Chi Rock Nation? I was in that early on as well. I was Tsel's partner for quite a while. Heard of him?
Last thing. This seems to be more of a black nationalist page than a hip hop page. When I was bombing, I hung out mostly with Mexicans, Puerto Ricans and other white guys. Hip hop (unlike rap, which is just a subcategory of hip hop) is not the exclusive domain of black guys. Rename this site "The New Black Panther Page" if you want this to be a shrine to Huey Newton and Fred Hampton.
In conclusion, I'm disappointed with you, and unless you address the issues identified above, I'm going to have to consider de-friending you.
Best regards,
Answer of the Aerosoul crew, WRS crew, Chapter 13 Crew, Syndicate Crew, and Chi-Rock Nation. There are probably others, too.
Hip Hop's Essence February 7 at 11:48am In reply to your comment. I didnt find any humor in it. Your post was made about a picture of james brown that was posted on christmas. The day he died? And as far as the page being black nationalist? The pic of the black panthers was posted for black history month. I am very familiar with chirock nation. Members of crn run this page. I am very familiar with you and your affiliations which i why i was shocked that the comment was made on this page by you to begin with. Not only did you down the man who helped the base of hiphop music to begin with, but you turned around and pulled a race card. And then threw chi rock nation in as a defense. What race of people you hung around is not of any signifigance. Chi-rock nation is not about race. Hip hop isnt as well. This page was designed to support a movement. Your crew has played a major role respectively in the artform so recognized for. But in the respect of things you offer no respect at all in your original post. The essence...
Sent via Facebook Mobile
Answer Aerosoul February 7 at 12:41pm Report
While James Brown's music did indeed influence hip hop music, the man himself was not the second coming of christ. He can be joked about. But you're missing the point. I was joking with YOU, not him. You posted a rather ironic comment that I found a bit amusing. I could see "Long live the spirit and/or the music of James Brown." But you said "long live James Brown" which is historically used in a literal manner. When you say long live X, you literally want X to live a long time (i.e., "long live the king!") Saying long live X on the day X dies is comically inappropriate. That's all. It's you, not James Brown. Don't throw the hardest working man isn show business under the bus to cover for your complete misuse of a commonly used phrase. Unconscionable.
Also, there are several pictures of the Black Panthers. One, I could understand, but there are many. Call me old fashioned, but I find militant black nationalism a bit unsettling. I take the message of "killing whitey" a bit persoanlly. Even if it's black history month. I believe we should get along And another key distinction here: recognizing and commenting on images associated with racism does not make me racist, nor dies it constitute playing the race card. If anything, the source of such images (you) may be the racist, not the innocent victim who is offended (me).
Anyway, I didn't mean to pick a fight. I thought that your reaction to my comment was weird. But because you did put up a spirited defense, I won't de-freind you.
However, you didn't say who you are. If you were not a writer, you cannot claim to be "Hip Hop's Essense." Such a lofty claim can only be made by soemone who has actively engaged in all aspects of hip hop, not just listening to WHPK. So establish some credibility and tell me who you are. You know who I am, so return the favor.
Anyway, gotta run. I have stuff to get out for work so I won't miss any of the aciton later. Go Colts! I can't forgive the Saints for going after Farve so vicisioulsy last week. Anyway, I think this settles our little spat, but if you must continue to defend yourself, I won't respond until Monday. But don't. You can't win.
Hip Hop's Essence February 7 at 1:07pm You arent in any authority to question anything in regards to anything when you have to name drop. So we wont get into that. Defense? All writers arent bboys and all emcees aint dj's. Luckily i am all. With dues paid. Before there were chapters. Southside crn original. Leave it that. Name dropping is for biters since you are in a teaching mood. Support the movement... If you cant say anything nice then say nothing. Make a contribution to crn. Are you a dj? Emcee? Anything other than a writer? All elements remember? Hiphop police maybe? Be peaceful bruh. Enjoy ya weekend. Dont forget to checkout whpk on the 12th. Peace
Sent via Facebook Mobile
Answer Aerosoul February 8 at 9:53am Report
Actually, I never was a cop. I considered it to pay for college, but decided to work part time through school. So that line of nonsense will get you nowhere. It was a good decision; I was never comfortable with being a cop.
And again, you misunderstood what I was saying. I'm not saying that everyone involved in hip hop must dj and emcee and breakdance. I did none of those. But you claim to be "Hip Hop's Essence" and hold yourself out as the embodiment of all things hip hop, and therefore you have to embrace all aspects of hip hop. Or else you're not really the essence of hip hop. Too bad posting lame pictures representing outdated ideals in the comfort of your mom's basement isn't an aspect of hip hop, because you seem to have mastered that.
Support the movement? By blindly agreeing with you? I though we could have a constructive discussion about a direction of hip hop (the black nationalist revival) that I was never comfortable with, and you tell me that questioning the movement is not tolerated? It's that type of intellectual laziness that drove me away in the first place, so thank you for reminding me why I went my own way.
I'm not sure where you were going with the name dropping/biter thing. I'm not following the logic, so I'll ignore it. I think I proved that I had some pretty original stuff, so I'll let that stuff speak for itself.
Anyway, I put way too much effort into this. But it did make me realize that my very small effort to re-integrate myself in the community is a waste of time. I would "question the movement," and that doesn't seem to be tolerated anymore. So take care and good luck with whatever it is that you do when you're not painting top to bottom end to ends while doing the centipede on some discarded linoleum.
Hip Hop's Essence February 8 at 11:27am Thats the mentallity and conversation of a hater. Laziness? Your blindness didnt allow you to see that this page again was built to support all hip hop's movements. Meaning? You couldve made a contribution to this page as well. Unfortunately your contribution was that negative comment you made on a wall post i made on christmas that you couldve kept to yourself. You see us promoting brothers and sisters in crn who unlike you are "active" in the hiphop community. You couldve posted a graf pic, a link to your favorite video or song or battle, or youth program or something to backup more than the bullshit you talking. We have a movement to support. You go ahead and be the typical chicago dude we none negative chicagoans arent. I would say peace but...
Sent via Facebook Mobile
Answer Aerosoul February 8 at 4:41pm Report
You are a horrible debater. And you still never told me who you are. Very cowardly. By your silence, I'm sure you're some nobody that never had the balls to actually paint things.
Based on all that has happened, I hereby renounce my membership in the chi-rock nation. Actually, becuase I am a founding member of the CRN, I'm using my founding member privilge to kick you out first. I can make some calls to the Zulu nation to see if they are accepting new members, if you ask nicely. Send me your rambling, incoherent resume and I'll forward it on.
Hip Hop's Essence February 8 at 7:53pm Who ever said you were a cop? Nobody is going to feed into your great effort to gain any info mr officer. And it seems like you are on here looking for writers. Or you are on a mission like you are trying to put on whatever out of anger about something. In any event, people like you are the reason why this city is looked down upon. What you couldve offered in support you chose to offer the opposite. You may find it humorous to be on here playing yourself. You offer debate instead of support. And thats sucker. You keep talking about paint. And if you are founding member its a shame you would initiate this with another founding member. You are unloyal to this city, crn and SIN. And that racial joint you pulled came in bad taste. Be gone crab. You couldnt even follow the language. And thats toy.
Sent via Facebook Mobile
Answer Aerosoul February 7 at 11:09am Report
So it's clear that you don't have much of a sense of humor. My comment was pretty brilliant. Admit it. It was. I'll explain why in a separate e-mail if you still can't see it after a bit more reflection.
So who are you? Were you a writer? Do you know who I am? I'd like to think that "Hip Hop's Essense" is familiar with Aerosoul crew. Maybe you're familiar with the Chi Rock Nation? I was in that early on as well. I was Tsel's partner for quite a while. Heard of him?
Last thing. This seems to be more of a black nationalist page than a hip hop page. When I was bombing, I hung out mostly with Mexicans, Puerto Ricans and other white guys. Hip hop (unlike rap, which is just a subcategory of hip hop) is not the exclusive domain of black guys. Rename this site "The New Black Panther Page" if you want this to be a shrine to Huey Newton and Fred Hampton.
In conclusion, I'm disappointed with you, and unless you address the issues identified above, I'm going to have to consider de-friending you.
Best regards,
Answer of the Aerosoul crew, WRS crew, Chapter 13 Crew, Syndicate Crew, and Chi-Rock Nation. There are probably others, too.
Hip Hop's Essence February 7 at 11:48am In reply to your comment. I didnt find any humor in it. Your post was made about a picture of james brown that was posted on christmas. The day he died? And as far as the page being black nationalist? The pic of the black panthers was posted for black history month. I am very familiar with chirock nation. Members of crn run this page. I am very familiar with you and your affiliations which i why i was shocked that the comment was made on this page by you to begin with. Not only did you down the man who helped the base of hiphop music to begin with, but you turned around and pulled a race card. And then threw chi rock nation in as a defense. What race of people you hung around is not of any signifigance. Chi-rock nation is not about race. Hip hop isnt as well. This page was designed to support a movement. Your crew has played a major role respectively in the artform so recognized for. But in the respect of things you offer no respect at all in your original post. The essence...
Sent via Facebook Mobile
Answer Aerosoul February 7 at 12:41pm Report
While James Brown's music did indeed influence hip hop music, the man himself was not the second coming of christ. He can be joked about. But you're missing the point. I was joking with YOU, not him. You posted a rather ironic comment that I found a bit amusing. I could see "Long live the spirit and/or the music of James Brown." But you said "long live James Brown" which is historically used in a literal manner. When you say long live X, you literally want X to live a long time (i.e., "long live the king!") Saying long live X on the day X dies is comically inappropriate. That's all. It's you, not James Brown. Don't throw the hardest working man isn show business under the bus to cover for your complete misuse of a commonly used phrase. Unconscionable.
Also, there are several pictures of the Black Panthers. One, I could understand, but there are many. Call me old fashioned, but I find militant black nationalism a bit unsettling. I take the message of "killing whitey" a bit persoanlly. Even if it's black history month. I believe we should get along And another key distinction here: recognizing and commenting on images associated with racism does not make me racist, nor dies it constitute playing the race card. If anything, the source of such images (you) may be the racist, not the innocent victim who is offended (me).
Anyway, I didn't mean to pick a fight. I thought that your reaction to my comment was weird. But because you did put up a spirited defense, I won't de-freind you.
However, you didn't say who you are. If you were not a writer, you cannot claim to be "Hip Hop's Essense." Such a lofty claim can only be made by soemone who has actively engaged in all aspects of hip hop, not just listening to WHPK. So establish some credibility and tell me who you are. You know who I am, so return the favor.
Anyway, gotta run. I have stuff to get out for work so I won't miss any of the aciton later. Go Colts! I can't forgive the Saints for going after Farve so vicisioulsy last week. Anyway, I think this settles our little spat, but if you must continue to defend yourself, I won't respond until Monday. But don't. You can't win.
Hip Hop's Essence February 7 at 1:07pm You arent in any authority to question anything in regards to anything when you have to name drop. So we wont get into that. Defense? All writers arent bboys and all emcees aint dj's. Luckily i am all. With dues paid. Before there were chapters. Southside crn original. Leave it that. Name dropping is for biters since you are in a teaching mood. Support the movement... If you cant say anything nice then say nothing. Make a contribution to crn. Are you a dj? Emcee? Anything other than a writer? All elements remember? Hiphop police maybe? Be peaceful bruh. Enjoy ya weekend. Dont forget to checkout whpk on the 12th. Peace
Sent via Facebook Mobile
Answer Aerosoul February 8 at 9:53am Report
Actually, I never was a cop. I considered it to pay for college, but decided to work part time through school. So that line of nonsense will get you nowhere. It was a good decision; I was never comfortable with being a cop.
And again, you misunderstood what I was saying. I'm not saying that everyone involved in hip hop must dj and emcee and breakdance. I did none of those. But you claim to be "Hip Hop's Essence" and hold yourself out as the embodiment of all things hip hop, and therefore you have to embrace all aspects of hip hop. Or else you're not really the essence of hip hop. Too bad posting lame pictures representing outdated ideals in the comfort of your mom's basement isn't an aspect of hip hop, because you seem to have mastered that.
Support the movement? By blindly agreeing with you? I though we could have a constructive discussion about a direction of hip hop (the black nationalist revival) that I was never comfortable with, and you tell me that questioning the movement is not tolerated? It's that type of intellectual laziness that drove me away in the first place, so thank you for reminding me why I went my own way.
I'm not sure where you were going with the name dropping/biter thing. I'm not following the logic, so I'll ignore it. I think I proved that I had some pretty original stuff, so I'll let that stuff speak for itself.
Anyway, I put way too much effort into this. But it did make me realize that my very small effort to re-integrate myself in the community is a waste of time. I would "question the movement," and that doesn't seem to be tolerated anymore. So take care and good luck with whatever it is that you do when you're not painting top to bottom end to ends while doing the centipede on some discarded linoleum.
Hip Hop's Essence February 8 at 11:27am Thats the mentallity and conversation of a hater. Laziness? Your blindness didnt allow you to see that this page again was built to support all hip hop's movements. Meaning? You couldve made a contribution to this page as well. Unfortunately your contribution was that negative comment you made on a wall post i made on christmas that you couldve kept to yourself. You see us promoting brothers and sisters in crn who unlike you are "active" in the hiphop community. You couldve posted a graf pic, a link to your favorite video or song or battle, or youth program or something to backup more than the bullshit you talking. We have a movement to support. You go ahead and be the typical chicago dude we none negative chicagoans arent. I would say peace but...
Sent via Facebook Mobile
Answer Aerosoul February 8 at 4:41pm Report
You are a horrible debater. And you still never told me who you are. Very cowardly. By your silence, I'm sure you're some nobody that never had the balls to actually paint things.
Based on all that has happened, I hereby renounce my membership in the chi-rock nation. Actually, becuase I am a founding member of the CRN, I'm using my founding member privilge to kick you out first. I can make some calls to the Zulu nation to see if they are accepting new members, if you ask nicely. Send me your rambling, incoherent resume and I'll forward it on.
Hip Hop's Essence February 8 at 7:53pm Who ever said you were a cop? Nobody is going to feed into your great effort to gain any info mr officer. And it seems like you are on here looking for writers. Or you are on a mission like you are trying to put on whatever out of anger about something. In any event, people like you are the reason why this city is looked down upon. What you couldve offered in support you chose to offer the opposite. You may find it humorous to be on here playing yourself. You offer debate instead of support. And thats sucker. You keep talking about paint. And if you are founding member its a shame you would initiate this with another founding member. You are unloyal to this city, crn and SIN. And that racial joint you pulled came in bad taste. Be gone crab. You couldnt even follow the language. And thats toy.
Sent via Facebook Mobile
Monday, February 8, 2010
Illuminati Congo .....get familiar
When I first got Jah's cd it took me a while to listen. When I listened, I could have kicked myself in the ass for waiting soo long to check it. HE IS THE SHIIIIIIT!!!!THEY ARE THE SHIT!! I'm glad he put me on. Click on the pic for more information on my guys Jah The Baptist, Nic the Graduate, also known as Illuminati Congo.
Check the music, video, and the band:

Check the music, video, and the band:
Illuminati Congo,
Jah The Baptist,
Nic the Graduate
Thursday, February 4, 2010
From its inception, the concept of “Hip Hop to Beyond” was to enhance an already established collaboration between Billa Camp (www.billacamp.com), a self made producer and MC who is about to release his first solo recording “UP” and is heavily involved in the Skateboard and Hip Hop community in Chicago, and Lance Loiselle (Laelo) (www.myspace.com/treologic), who is an established jazz pianist, composer, producer, and tubist with the Lowdown Brass Band. Both collaborators with the eclectic hip hop band Treologic, and Jamal Cole (www.urbanedgepublishing.com) a self published author with 2 books to his credit (Mudsharks and Athletes and MCs) and notable MC, is also one of the driving behind this collaboration. It seemed destined from the beginning to enhance each artists individual careers as well as a whole, to promote an eclectic music scene in Chicago , in the wake of close knit circles the three established artists run with and the “hater” mentality that grips much of Chicago Hip Hop.
The night is a residency at THE ABBEY PUB (3420 W. Grace), every last Wednesday of the month until December with their engagement entitled "From Hip Hop to Beyond: No Holds Barred" There they will host the best in national acts, regional touring artists, and local talent - and not just hip hop but music that runs the gamut of perspectives. On Wednesday February 24, 2010, the night will feature an all local Chicago lineup including Walter J. Liveharder (www.walterjliveharder.com - former Bad News Jones MC), Illuminati Congo (www.illuminaticongo.com), and DJ Alo/My Boy Elroy on the decks The night will also feature a long awaited end to a hiatus by Treologic, that features a collaboration between Laelo and Billa Camp as wells as The Beatpusha (www.thebeatpusha.com) on drums, Ang13 (www.myspace.com/ang13) on vocals, who will also host the event, and My Boy Elroy (www.myspace.com/hisboywonder), on beatbox and decks. Treologic, as a band, has recently had commercial success with its Colabo CD (2008), and music web and television placements with Heineken, ABC Family, and Phillip Morris.
"Because of the elements of jazz and soul in their music they can be considered a "traditional" fusion band, but it's really the precision and balance of their work that distinguishes them from the rest.a”- Jeff Min, CenterstageChicago.com
You definitely don't want to miss the sound, the spectacle that is From Hip Hop to Beyond: No Holds Barred" hosted by Treologic, every last Wednesday of each month.
For more info or interview consideration:
Contact Info:
Lance Loiselle, CEO
Treologic Entertainment, LLC; Green Room Recording Co, LLC, Cigol Records - Chicago
Phone: 773-818-4403
From its inception, the concept of “Hip Hop to Beyond” was to enhance an already established collaboration between Billa Camp (www.billacamp.com), a self made producer and MC who is about to release his first solo recording “UP” and is heavily involved in the Skateboard and Hip Hop community in Chicago, and Lance Loiselle (Laelo) (www.myspace.com/treologic), who is an established jazz pianist, composer, producer, and tubist with the Lowdown Brass Band. Both collaborators with the eclectic hip hop band Treologic, and Jamal Cole (www.urbanedgepublishing.com) a self published author with 2 books to his credit (Mudsharks and Athletes and MCs) and notable MC, is also one of the driving behind this collaboration. It seemed destined from the beginning to enhance each artists individual careers as well as a whole, to promote an eclectic music scene in Chicago , in the wake of close knit circles the three established artists run with and the “hater” mentality that grips much of Chicago Hip Hop.
The night is a residency at THE ABBEY PUB (3420 W. Grace), every last Wednesday of the month until December with their engagement entitled "From Hip Hop to Beyond: No Holds Barred" There they will host the best in national acts, regional touring artists, and local talent - and not just hip hop but music that runs the gamut of perspectives. On Wednesday February 24, 2010, the night will feature an all local Chicago lineup including Walter J. Liveharder (www.walterjliveharder.com - former Bad News Jones MC), Illuminati Congo (www.illuminaticongo.com), and DJ Alo/My Boy Elroy on the decks The night will also feature a long awaited end to a hiatus by Treologic, that features a collaboration between Laelo and Billa Camp as wells as The Beatpusha (www.thebeatpusha.com) on drums, Ang13 (www.myspace.com/ang13) on vocals, who will also host the event, and My Boy Elroy (www.myspace.com/hisboywonder), on beatbox and decks. Treologic, as a band, has recently had commercial success with its Colabo CD (2008), and music web and television placements with Heineken, ABC Family, and Phillip Morris.
"Because of the elements of jazz and soul in their music they can be considered a "traditional" fusion band, but it's really the precision and balance of their work that distinguishes them from the rest.a”- Jeff Min, CenterstageChicago.com
You definitely don't want to miss the sound, the spectacle that is From Hip Hop to Beyond: No Holds Barred" hosted by Treologic, every last Wednesday of each month.
For more info or interview consideration:
Contact Info:
Lance Loiselle, CEO
Treologic Entertainment, LLC; Green Room Recording Co, LLC, Cigol Records - Chicago
Phone: 773-818-4403
Monday, February 1, 2010
J. Cole , an excellent writer just came out with this fresh book "Athletes and Emcess". For all you educators out there who's kids state they want to be a ball player or a rapper this one is for you. You can teach a whole semester on this one. And for all you up and coming ballplayers and emcees you really need to check this out as well it's worth it.

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