Thursday, December 16, 2010


So I put up this status on Gmail: "Too Smart for your Dumb ass"
It wasn’t directed to anyone I just liked the term..............and the day began not much different than any other day until Bruce B.L.A.C.C IM'ed me.
I’m glad I responded.

So I had this looooooog conversation with my mans BRUCE B.L.A.C.C on IM and what it broke down to is that I need to keep a positive attitude because I’m loosing friends. There is some "List" of people who I have beef with.

C'mon, seriously Beef??? If there was any real beef I'd be handled by now, wouldn't I? I mean I live in Chicago, we don't let beef drag we handle it. Bruce also went on about how heads talk and they have been talking behind my back, REALLYY?? I have you whispering in the winds about me? Oh how sweet. He went on to say that I don't have the same friends as I once did. Now that ,I can agree on. Sometimes you get tired of doing the same song and dance with people. Sometimes you out grow them. Some times you stop letting them misuse you. A lot of times the people who you gave the benefit of the doubt to disappoints you so you stop dealing with them all together.

This is how the game of life is. In this war we lose a lot of soldiers to the everyday. The friends, real friends never go any where. I began putting The Secret in to play in 2007 when I got back from the Wonda Women Project Tour. The book, The Secret, talks about The Laws of Attraction, it states" Like Attracts Like" . 2007 was time that I started to "lose" friends. I'm ok with that. I look back on those gone and I see them in the same position they were in before, just a bit more bitter. I started to find myself with like minded people who were encouraging, self sufficient, dependable, reliable, progressive, nurturing, thoughtful, kind, strong, and not abusive. I’d attracted those people in my life and I did not need them any more. I'm not perfect never did I claim to be but if I'm not satisfied with my mobility I look in (at me) and then I look out (at my surroundings). I can't change what you do but I can change what I do. So I decided to be more overstanding of others. If you know me and I mean KNOW ME you'll know that I am brutally honest. And it's time I got brutally honest with me. Ang13:

Everyone will not like you.
Everyone will not like what you say.
Everyone will not like what you do.
Everyone will not like that fact that you think you're the shit.
Everyone will not like how you come across.
Everyone will not like the way you look.
the way you rap.
the way you think.
the way you speak.
the completion of your skin.
your character.
your height.
your weight.
what you stand for.

They won’t like a whole lotta stuff about you Ang13. But as soon as I change something about me they don't like they’ll find something else, then something else’s, then something else which means they will never be satisfied and I will never be who I am trying to live up to the expectations of others. So here is the easy way out. if there is sooo much that you don't like about me you are free to go, please don’t wound yourself any more. Bruce stated 'it upsets me that you're not larger then you are, I always wonder that. You should be large" A PERFECT EXAMPLE OF NEVER SATISFIED. I stated " I'm not large on your scale, and I don’t work on your scale I work on mine". There are more people who like me than those who don't. Those who do like me get all my love and I have a lot to give. Those who don't, that drag my name through the mud, I applaud you. Hater looks good on you, it looks bad on me so.... proceed. Bruce refused to name of those talking behind my back. But I'm pretty sure it's those same people who are smiling in my face. Do your self a favor and free yourself it will feel soooo good not to be a phony any more. And as arrogant as this sounds it’s the truth: “those who talk behind your back are behind you for a reason”.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Conversation with a Young emcee

A 19 year old rapper contacted me through and asked me to check him out. I think this response was way over due and I never responded this way before but here is what I said (in a loving way of course):

I like what your doing but lets try somthin:

Ok take any one of your songs and check off how many times you make reference to the crazy 8:
1. niggas
2. bitches
3. money
4. drugs
5. guns
6. sex
7. cars
8. tags
No really because I didn’t do that when I first started. And because I didn’t I kept referring to :
The reason why is because that is what I was always surrounded by:
I had to change the way I thought cause I couldn’t change where is was living (i was a kid at the time). I started to read a lot, got around people who thought like me, not like the way I did in the past and my rhymes, vocabulary, people, and situations I was attracting to me started to change. don’t confuse it
Run wild in the game. But you have to decide, do you want to be like them or better than them? You can be very successful without referring to the crazy 8 all the time. (Tho a bitch ass nigga took my money to by drugs and guns instead of taggin me up so he gets no pussy) just kiddin. Be the best representative you can be of the culture not just the rap game. You can reach the world with it, teach the world with it, or defeat your world with it.